Wilson   Shieh      家  豪

- contemporary artist from Hong Kong -

港 當 代 藝 術 家


News  新 消 息     Updated 16 / 5 / 2024 更 新

Wilson Shieh : Chop Suey 2008-2022

石家豪:雜碎 2008-2022

28 / 10 - 27 / 11 / 2022

JPS Gallery Hong Kong



Selection of my drawings, collages and acrylic canvases between 2008-2022.


Trendi Club - New Paintings by Wilson Shieh and Tse Yim On

流行大改造 - 石家豪與謝炎安新作

3 - 25  / 8 / 2023

Bonhams Hong Kong

I showed new canvas paintings with my fellow artist Tse Yim On.


JPS GalleryBooth, Art Central, Hong Kong

香港 Art Central 藝術博覽會 JPS 畫廊

28 - 31  / 3 / 2024

Hong Kong Harbourfront


I showed a new canvas “Yellow Dragon Boat”.

我展出畫布本作品 ”黃色龍舟”。